Collection: Dear World
Dear World is a series of mixed media images that speak to a delicate, splintered landscape of dualities with cracks through which ineffable beauty has grown but stories have fallen. Edges where so much has been marginalized and so many are woundable.
Dear World is gathering of petals, branches, shadows, beach glass, clay, pebbles, paint, ink, and loose ends. I meander at the edges of paths and parking lots; I take photos of what is tossed, blown, still. In the dailiness of sketching, I draw spirals, cells and water, over and over. The patterns are soothing and their repetition chisels new routes for my thoughts. I paint and assemble, I make hoops from clay and bridges from thin air.
Dear World is a plea, a prayer, an elegy, a love letter. It is a reliquary of nests, the enigma of our shared sky, the flown air of birds. This work is a reckoning with the moment we have, and a reverence for the stitches we hold onto at the seams
Dear World is gathering of petals, branches, shadows, beach glass, clay, pebbles, paint, ink, and loose ends. I meander at the edges of paths and parking lots; I take photos of what is tossed, blown, still. In the dailiness of sketching, I draw spirals, cells and water, over and over. The patterns are soothing and their repetition chisels new routes for my thoughts. I paint and assemble, I make hoops from clay and bridges from thin air.
Dear World is a plea, a prayer, an elegy, a love letter. It is a reliquary of nests, the enigma of our shared sky, the flown air of birds. This work is a reckoning with the moment we have, and a reverence for the stitches we hold onto at the seams
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