Dear World: Gathering

— Studio Notes —
Dear World: Gathering
Dear World: Gathering
Thank you for being part of Studio Notes. I have decided to devote a few installments of this newsletter to thinking out loud, to honoring my devotion to sketches and the vulnerable phrase “work in progress.”
In preparing for an upcoming exhibition, Dear World, I am gathering thoughts, petals, branches, shadows, studio hours, loose ends. Walking is how I think, and I accrue many miles. While meandering at the edges of paths and parking lots, I take photos of tenderness often found in the margins, tossed, blown, still. In the dailiness of sketching, I draw spirals, branches, cells and water, over and over again. The patterns are soothing and their repetition chisels new routes for my thinking to roam.
Dear World is a series of mixed media images that speak to a delicate, splintered world. A world of dualities with cracks through which ineffable beauty has grown but stories have fallen. A world of wandered edges where so much has been marginalized. These images are about the fractured landscape, the possibilities of inclusion, the stitches we hang onto at the seams.
Dear World
August 18 - September 28, 2023
Edgewood Gallery
216 Tecumseh Rd, Syracuse, NY 13224
This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community
Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the
Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the
New York State Legislature and administered by CNY Arts.